TRA installation hangs while installing TRA 5.7.x with the Tibco universal installer.

TRA installation hangs while installing TRA 5.7.x with the Tibco universal installer.


Article ID: KB0087996


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Runtime Agent (TRA) -
Not Applicable -


When running the universal installer for TRA 5.7.x the installation seems to run correctly but there is no finalization of the installation and universal installer never exits.

All OS

The TRA installation logs shows below entry:
(May 22, 2012 12:25:56 PM), Install, com.tibco.installer.wizard.action.TIBCOAddLegacyRegistry, dbg.Debug, Vpd Registry file to update'C:\WINNT\'
(May 22, 2012 12:25:56 PM), Install, com.tibco.installer.wizard.action.TIBCOAddLegacyRegistry, dbg.Debug, Vpd Registry file can be written to
(May 22, 2012 12:25:56 PM), Install, com.tibco.installer.util.TIBCOInstaller, dbg.Debug, Adding vpd entries for feature Runtime'
(May 22, 2012 12:25:56 PM), Install, com.tibco.installer.wizard.action.TIBCOAddLegacyRegistry, dbg.Debug, Found vpdentry - compid: 'Designer_tibcoinventory' version: '' installLocation 'D:\tibco\designer\5.7'name: 'tibcoinventory' displayName: 'tibcoinventory' description: 'TIBCO Designer' prodid: 'Designerdependency: '' level: '2' createuninstdir: 'false

This suggests that the installer hangs while trying to update the vpd file for Designer. This happens when installer doesn't get the lock on the vpd file for update.


1).Search and delete any "*lck" "*lock", e.g .installregistrylock, .installregistrylck and .installerregistrysync files under the <TIBCO_HOME> dir or <user home> dir.

2).Stop and kill all TIBCO processes, particularly hawk and hawk hma processes that could lock the vpd files


TRA installation hangs while installing TRA 5.7.x with the Tibco universal installer.