Resolution: After upgrading to OSB R5.2 the error in the title can be seen in batch programs using obsolete CLI commands.
Environment: ============ o OSB R5.2 and above batch programs using CLI.
Symptoms: ========= This problem can show up as a U2168 or S0C4 abends in a user program running old style CLI commands.
Cause: ====== Trying to run batch programs containing Pre R3.2 local CLI commands that are no longer supported
The newer CLI commands were introduced at R3.1 and the old CLAPI commands such as "DOHURON CREATESTREAM" were removed from the documentation before R3.2. However the old commands continued to work despite being unsupported up until R5.0. At R5.2 they cease to work.
Resolution: =========== Change the batch program to use the currently supported and documented CLI commands.