MessageHandler error " bad magic_number"is thrown when TIBCO BusinessEvents engine is started.
Article ID: KB0090427
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: ========== MessageHandler error is thrown when TIBCO BusinessEvents engine is started.
Environment: ============ TIBCO BusinessEvents 5.1.0 All Operating Systems
Symptoms: ============ Error is thrown in BusinessEvents when the engine is started. The error itself is related to Active Spaces and not BusinessEvents.
[2012-10-08 15:11:36:214][22628][22568][WARNING][transport] [Msg.cpp, 58: Core::Msg::deserialize: ]message received from older version or unknown source, bad magic_number=0x4d736700 [2012-10-08 15:11:36:214][22628][22568][ERROR][transport] [MessageHandler.cpp, 65: MessageHandler::onDataReceive: ][deserialize_failure]
Cause: ============ The error could be due to other Active Spaces of different versions in the same subnet using same cluster settings. Check what version of Active Spaces is being used by checking the log files.
Resolution: ============ The error could be due to different clusters running in the same subnet and the engine trying to connect to a cluster which is already running. Adding the discover and listen URLs will make sure that the cluster is differen't. This should resolve the error message.
MessageHandler error " bad magic_number"is thrown when TIBCO BusinessEvents engine is started.