Error thrown in TIBCO BusinessEvents Views due to RolePreference name used.
Article ID: KB0091567
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: ========= Error thrown in TIBCO BusinessEvents Views due to RolePreference name used.
Environment: ============ TIBCO BusinessEvents 4.0.1 Windows XP
Symptoms: ============ The following error is thrown when running a custom project using Dashboard Views. The error is thrown when username and password provided is admin/admin.
2010 Nov 04 16:35:52:250 GMT +8 Error [http-8106-Processor4] - [dashboard.psvr.bizactions] [dashboard-class] Could not access channel 2010 Nov 04 16:35:52:250 GMT +8 Error [http-8106-Processor3] - [dashboard.psvr.bizactions] [dashboard-class] Failed to generate the header customization meta-data due to Could not load token profile for admin/SUPER_USER identified by 235f9e51-b81b-4df3-ad40-4c32925dd066
Cause: ========
The admin user doesn't have correct permissions. The problem could be with the Rolepreference name used in the project.
Resolution: ============ Rename the rolepreference in the project to ADMIN_USER (from SUPER_USER to ADMIN_USER.rolepreference) and update the authentication file: frauddetectionusers.pwd as follows: