Hourly/Daily Email notifications do not work in tibbr.
Article ID: KB0091088
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Hourly/Daily Email notifications do not work in tibbr.
Product : TIBCO tibbr
OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.4/5.6
Though end users have subscribed to hourly/daily email notifications for the subjects, but still emails do not appear to arrive at their mail box.
There can couple of reasons for this.
1). Database triggers are deactivated/disabled.
2). There is one of the following errors in the last_error field of the delayed_jobs database table:
a). NativeException: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into
b). NativeException: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (<CONSTGRAINT_ID>) violated.
1). Make sure that all the required database triggers are activated.
2). A rake task needs to be run to reschedule the failed jobs (first in the test mode).
Make sure the supplemental job runner is stopped.
a). $ cd <TIBBR_HOME>/scripts
b). $ source env.sh
c). $ cd <TIBBR_HOME>/tibbr
d). Run the task in the test mode ( we can see the output something likethe following):
$ jruby -S rake delayed_jobs:reschedule test=true
(in /opt/TibcoTibbr3.6.0/tibbr/3.6.0/tibbr)
APP_CONFIG_DIR is pointing to: /opt/TibcoTibbr3.6.0/tibbr/3.6.0/tibbr-config/
TIBBR_ROOT is pointing to: /opt/TibcoTibbr3.6.0/tibbr/3.6.0/tibbr
Settings for 'production' inherit 'default' via attribute 'inherit'
Please install RDoc 2.4.2+ to generate documentation.
Unable to load thrift_native extension. Defaulting to pure Ruby libraries.
Doing javamail email
==> MT_ENABLED : false
Running in test mode. Rerun the script with test=false to reschedule the jobs
Found 16 failed jobs
==> setting delete_old_batch=true will delete 0 digest messages
No jobs to reschedule. Test mode: true
3). The above command will show a count of jobs that will be rescheduled and are still pending to be executed. If we want to receive all the historical pending notifications then we shall set the flag delete_old_batch=false .
Note: They can be hundreds of emails arriving at the end user that may flood mailbox.
The following command needs to be run for this in production
$ jruby -S rake delayed_jobs:reschedule test=false delete_old_batch=false
(in /opt/TibcoTibbr3.6.0/tibbr/3.6.0/tibbr)
APP_CONFIG_DIR is pointing to: /opt/TibcoTibbr3.6.0/tibbr/3.6.0/tibbr-config/
TIBBR_ROOT is pointing to: /opt/TibcoTibbr3.6.0/tibbr/3.6.0/tibbr
Settings for 'production' inherit 'default' via attribute 'inherit'
Please install RDoc 2.4.2+ to generate documentation.
Unable to load thrift_native extension. Defaulting to pure Ruby libraries.
Doing javamail email
==> MT_ENABLED : false
Found 16 failed jobs
==> setting delete_old_batch=true will delete 0 digest messages
Rescheduling all the failed jobs.
Completed rescheduling failed jobs....
4). If only the email notifications for the current day are to be recovered/rescheduled then set the flag delete_old_batch=true. The following task needs to be run in production to finally recover/reschedule the email notifications.
$ jruby -S rake delayed_jobs:reschedule test=false delete_old_batch=true
(in /opt/TibcoTibbr3.6.0/tibbr/3.6.0/tibbr)
APP_CONFIG_DIR is pointing to: /opt/TibcoTibbr3.6.0/tibbr/3.6.0/tibbr-config/
TIBBR_ROOT is pointing to: /opt/TibcoTibbr3.6.0/tibbr/3.6.0/tibbr
Settings for 'production' inherit 'default' via attribute 'inherit'
Please install RDoc 2.4.2+ to generate documentation.
Unable to load thrift_native extension. Defaulting to pure Ruby libraries.
Doing javamail email
==> MT_ENABLED : false
Found 0 failed jobs
==> deleting old batch(i.e., before Thu Nov 01 00:00:00 +0530 2012 ). count: 0
No jobs to reschedule. Test mode: false
5). This should resolve the daily/hourly email notification issue. If the issue persists or there is any issue/error while running the above tasks then contact TIBCO Support.
Hourly/Daily Email notifications do not work in tibbr.