Questions about abortRTC() function.

Questions about abortRTC() function.


Article ID: KB0091605


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Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition -
Not Applicable -


Questions about abortRTC() function.

TIBCO BusinessEvents 5.1.1

The tooltip for the abortRTC() should be described as the following:
    description = "Cancels all rule actions scheduled to be executed in the current RTC.  Cancels all pending external changes in the current RTC: new/modified/deleted cache-based entities, events to send, event acknowledgments and scheduled events to schedule.",
    cautions = "This function only affects the present state of the RTC. Any subsequent actions taken after the call, such as sending events or modifying concepts will proceed as normal.",

Q).When the abortRTC() is called in a rule, will it continue to executing any of the rule actions?    

Ans). When the abortRTC() is called in a rule, it cancels all rule actions scheduled to be executed in the current RTC. The current rule will continue to its end.

Q). If abourtRTC is executed, will it revert updates to cache only concepts to previous version?

Ans). the abortRTC() cancels all pending external changes in the current RTC. Changes will not be submitted to cache.

Q). What happens to the outbound events?

Ans). If sendEvents happens in prior to the abortRTC(), it is canceled. If sendEvents happens after abortRTC(), it will proceed as normal.


1). When the sequence is sendEvent --> abortRTC in the same rule, message is not sent out.

2). When the sequence is abortRTC --> sendEvent in the same rule, message will be sent out in post RTC.


Questions about abortRTC() function.