EDI protocol is not able to convert the message from XML to EDI before sending to TP and getting the error 'Could not initialize class com.tibco.ax.tibedi.instream.EDITranslator'

EDI protocol is not able to convert the message from XML to EDI before sending to TP and getting the error 'Could not initialize class com.tibco.ax.tibedi.instream.EDITranslator'


Article ID: KB0090512


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect EDI Protocol Powered by Instream -
Not Applicable -


Customer is getting a problem related to "XML to EDI conversion" facing the problem after receiving the message and converting it to EDI.

In BC logs the error is logged as "Could not initialize class com.tibco.ax.tibedi.instream.EDITranslator".
When trying to send outbound message to TP, the XML message sent by TIBCO private process is not getting converted to EDI and BC is transferring the message as is (XML) to TP.

Error seen:
BW.BusinessConnect-Interior_Server Error [bw.logger] BW-EXT-LOG-100000 Job-542975.542975:com.tibco.plugin.gateway.InvokeOperationActivity$OperationThread com.tibco.ax.fw.runtime.impl.ServiceException: Internal Server Error Could not initialize class com.tibco.ax.tibedi.instream.EDITranslator
        at com.tibco.plugin.gateway.InvokeOperationActivity.sInvokeServiceOp(InvokeOperationActivity.java:258)
        at com.tibco.plugin.gateway.InvokeOperationActivity$OperationThread.run(InvokeOperationActivity.java:376)
        at com.tibco.pe.util.ThreadPool$ThreadPoolThread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.tibco.ax.tibedi.instream.EDITranslator
        at com.tibco.ax.tibedi.instream.EDIInstream.createTranslator(EDIInstream.java:1473)
        at com.tibco.ax.tibedi.instream.XMLToEDIConverter.execute(XMLToEDIConverter.java:461)
        at com.tibco.ax.tibedi.runtime.pf.outbound.ConvertXDataToEDI.convertToEDI(ConvertXDataToEDI.java:288)
        at com.tibco.ax.tibedi.runtime.pf.outbound.ConvertXDataToEDI.Start(ConvertXDataToEDI.java:68)

BC 6x.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.6 (Tikanga)

1).  The Embedded validation engine InstreamTranslator requires libc.so.6 and libstdc++.so.5 native operating system libraries for RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.x and 5.x platforms since the underlying libxerces-c-3.1.so libraries link with the above libraries for transaction processing. If the above libraries are not present in /lib64 or /usr/lib64 directories, ask your IT administrator to create the appropriate symlinks.

2). The libxerces-c-3.1.so Embedded InstreamTranslator library requires libssl.so.4 and libcrypto.so.4, which should be available in the directory /lib64. If libssl.so.4 and libcrypto.so.4 are not available and a higher version is, a soft symlink must be created for both libssl.so.4 and libcrypto.so.4.

3). Try by creating symlink libxerces-c-3.1.so to libxerces-c-3.1_rhel5.so with RHEL 5 and with RHEL 4 create symlink libxerces-c-3.1.so to libxerces-c-3.1_rhel4.so.

A). For this first you need to go to EDI_HOME/instream/bin folder.

B). Give the command as ls –la. This will shows all files, even files with detailed information for file with permissions, owners, size, and when last modified.

C). For RHEL4:

1).  Go to $EDI_HOME/instream/bin directory.

2). Type ln -s libxerces-c-3.1_rhel4.so libxerces-c-3.1.so

D).For RHEL5:

1). Go to $EDI_HOME/instream/bin directory.

2). Type ln -s libxerces-c-3.1_rhel4.so libxerces-c-3.1.so


EDI protocol is not able to convert the message from XML to EDI before sending to TP and getting the error 'Could not initialize class com.tibco.ax.tibedi.instream.EDITranslator'