Applying a Hotfix or Service Pack to FabricServer

Applying a Hotfix or Service Pack to FabricServer


Article ID: KB0091015


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Silver Fabric -
Not Applicable -


Broker Update:

Hotfixes and Service Packs are provided as self-extracting executable JAR files. Service Packs are also provided as a full tar.gz installation for the purposes of installing new FabricServer Brokers only. Do not attempt to update a Broker by simply extracting the JAR or the full tar.gz install over an existing install. Instead, follow these steps:

   1. Shut down the FabricServer broker that will be updated (In a production environment, it is a good idea to make a backup before updating).

   2. Run the JAR file. The syntax for running the jar is:

java -jar [Hotfix or Service Pack].jar WEBAPP_DIR

WEBAPP_DIR is the livecluster directory (that is, [FS-root]/webapps/livecluster) on your application server.

All files that are changed will be saved in the [FS-root]/webapps/livecluster/[WEB-INF]/uninstall/[update name] directory.

If you have a read-only WEBAPP_DIR, the installation must be performed by an administrator that has write access to that directory.

For example, to apply FabricServer 5.0.2 to FabricServer 5.0.1 installed in the NFS shared dir /share/fabric:

java –jar TIB_Silver_Fabric.5.0.2.jar /share/fabric/webapps/livecluster

Please refer to FabricServer install guide for details on how to upgrade various fabric components (for example, engines, VirtualRouter, Skyway, etc.).


Applying a Hotfix or Service Pack to FabricServer