Article ID: KB0090411
Updated On:
This Solution shows how to setup and test ActiveSpaces shared nothing persistence.
ActiveSpaces 2.0.0 HF 1 .
All supported platforms.
Probably applies to later AS versions as well with minor command line changes.
AS creates directories for shared_nothing persistence seeders in your user directory by default. The structure is
The memer-name defaults to something based on timestamp and the port number. Therefore use the -member_name "agent1" command line parameter to assure use of the correct data store. Also, I use -discovery "tibpgm://1423" since there are frequently other instances of AS running in my sub-network.
1). Remove all files in your data_store directory, e.g.,
to remove any artifacts from previous tests.
2). Open four windows: as-agent, ASBatchOperations, ASMM, and Admin CLI .
3). In as-agent, cd to C:\tibco\as\2.0\examples\java> and execute
java -cp Examples.jar ASPersistence2 -member_name "agent1" -discovery "tibpgm://1423"
Output should resemble the following:
Activespaces 2.0.0.V18
Example: ASPersistence2
[2012-07-18 10:02:45:880][10372][10740][INFO][] ip_address= port=50000
d 012-07-18 10:02:50:898][10372][10740][INFO][] ConnectCurrent metaspace members: e
metaspace n a694229-c350-5006ec35-371 as MANAGERa cd
=[ms], listen=[tcp://], discovery=[tibpgm://1423], member name=[a694229-c350]
[2012-07-18 10:02:50:898][10372][7756][INFO][ms.$members] member joined:
Current space members for myspace :
a694229-c350-5006ec35-371 as SEEDER
Type 'quit' to quit
3). In ASMM, cd to C:\tibco\as\2.0\asmm> and execute "java -jar asmm.jar". ASMM will start and output will look like the following:
2012-07-18 10:04:12.542:INFO::Logging to STDERR via org.mortbay.log.StdErrLog
2012-07-18 10:04:12.570:INFO::jetty-6.1.26
ISC: Configuring log4j from: file:/C:/tibco/as/2.0/asmm/war/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.isc.config.xml
2012-07-18 10:04:13.449:INFO:/:=== SERVER CONFIGURATION ===|
2012-07-18 10:04:13.450:INFO:/:Metaspace Update Interval: 1000
2012-07-18 10:04:13.451:INFO:/:Metaspace Update Timeout: 10000
2012-07-18 10:04:13.452:INFO:/:Statistics Update Interval: 5000
2012-07-18 10:04:13.453:INFO:/:Statistics Life Span: 15
2012-07-18 10:04:13.454:INFO:/:Startup Space: ms{discoveryURL:tibpgm://1423, listenerURL:}
2012-07-18 10:04:13.455:INFO:/:============================
[2012-07-18 10:04:13:654][9628][11412][INFO][] ip_address= port=50001
[2012-07-18 10:04:14:71][9628][11412][INFO][] Connected metaspace name=[ms], listen=[tcp://],
discovery=[tibpgm://1423], member name=[a694229-c351]
[2012-07-18 10:04:14:71][9628][11924][INFO][ms.$members] member joined:
[2012-07-18 10:04:14:71][9628][11924][INFO][ms.$members] member joined:
2012-07-18 10:04:14.283:INFO::Started SelectChannelConnector@
4). Use a browser to connect to http://localhost:8686/, enter ms for the Metaspace Name and click Connect, then click on myspace and on Members. Two members are shown; the members are agent1 as a seeder and the ASMM as leech.
5). In ASBatchOperations window, cd to C:\tibco\as\2.0\examples\java> and execute
java -cp Examples.jar ASBatchOperations -persistence share_nothing -member_name agent2 -discovery "tibpgm://1423"
6). In the ASBatchOperations window, use the "p" command to create several tuples, e.g.,
Main [p/pl/g/t/l]: p
Adding tuples, press enter for key value to complete
Put: Enter the key (integer): 1
Put: Enter the value (string):
Put: Enter the key (integer): 2
Put: Enter the value (string):
Put: Enter the key (integer): 3
Put: Enter the value (string):
Put: Enter the key (integer): 4
Put: Enter the value (string):
Put: Enter the key (integer): 5
Put: Enter the value (string):
Put: Enter the key (integer):
The SEEDER in ASMM will now show 5 Entries.
7). In the as-agent 1 window, type quit to stop the agent, then " java -cp Examples.jar ASPersistence2" to start it again.
8). In ASBatchOperations window enter 'q' to stop the engine then
java -cp Examples.jar ASBatchOperations -persistence share_nothing -member_name agent2 -discovery "tibpgm://1423"
Activespaces 2.0.0.V18
Example: ASBatchOperations
[2012-07-18 10:27:39:881][12008][8348][INFO][] ip_address= port=50000
e2012-07-18 10:27:40:91][12008][8348][INFO][] Connected metaspace name=[ms], lisCurrent metaspace members: t
n=[tcp: a694229-c353-5006ef15-3c6 as MEMBER/
0 a694229-c351-5006edb1-2dd as MANAGER1
51 a694229-c350-5006f20b-372 as MEMBER0
0.41:5Current PersistenceType: NONE0
Current PersistenceType: SHARE_ALL0
]Current PersistenceType: SHARE_NOTHING
persistenceType: share_nothing
yiscoveCurrent space members for myspace :r
= a694229-c351-5006edb1-2dd as LEECH[
b a694229-c350-5006f20b-372 as LEECHi
gm://1423], member name=[a694229-c350]
[2012-07-18 10:27:40:91][12008][8860][INFO][ms.$members] member joined:
[2012-07-18 10:27:40:91][12008][8860][INFO][ms.$members] member joined:
[2012-07-18 10:27:40:91][12008][8860][INFO][ms.$members] member joined:
waiting for the space to be ready...
please start an 1 seeder nodes (ex. as-agent) with -name and -data_store arguments and issue a 'recover space' admin command
9). In the Admin CLI window, cd to C:\tibco\as\2.0\lib> and execute "java -jar as-admin.jar" to see output which resembles the following:
How To Use Active spaces shared_nothing persistence.