In TIBCO BusinessEventsusing dbconcepts, how to ensure the timezone is not converted to local timezone when inserting a record into an Oracle database.

In TIBCO BusinessEventsusing dbconcepts, how to ensure the timezone is not converted to local timezone when inserting a record into an Oracle database.


Article ID: KB0090924


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In TIBCO BusinessEvents  using dbconcepts, how to ensure the timezone is not converted to local timezone when inserting a record into an Oracle database.

TIBCO BusinessEvents 5.x
All Operating Systems
Oracle Database

The "TIMESTAMP" fields reflect time using the local timezone rathen than the UTC timezone which is specified .

If the dbtimezone is different from  the Java JVM timezone on the machine running the BusinessEvents engine, then the results would be coverted to dbtimezone.

1).Make sure the database timezone and Java JVM timezone are the same. The dbtimezone can be got from running the following query:

select DBTIMEZONE from dual;

2).To set the Java JVM timezone for TIBCO BusinessEvents runtime, add the following property to in be-engine.tra file:


3).When running the  TIBCO BusinessEvents engine from Studio, you can pass -Duser.timezone="xxx" as a VM argument.


In TIBCO BusinessEventsusing dbconcepts, how to ensure the timezone is not converted to local timezone when inserting a record into an Oracle database.