When multiple BusinessConnect engines are running, each engine is receiving the same email when the email inbound transport is enabled.
Article ID: KB0089721
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessConnect
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description ========= When multiple BusinessConnect (BC) engines are running, each engine receives the same email.
Environment =========== BusinessConnect 6.x
Symptoms ======== All engines process the same email causing duplicates.
Resolution ========= By default, the Email Receiver starter processes are disabled. Make sure they are disabled. When the interior servers are running, the BC engine which has the lock will enable the Email Receiver Process Starter. To prevent the other engines from receiving email (duplicates):
1). Go to Application Management > BusinessConnect > Configuration
2). Click on Interior Server.par and then on Advanced Tab.
3). Under TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Configurations, make sure all Email Receivers are unchecked for "Enabled".