Run the following queries against the Workflow database.
1). select job_id, name from jobs where name='Permanent Job' OR name='BASE JOB TEMPLATE';
00000017000004630000000100000400 BASE JOB TEMPLATE
00000017000004630000000100000807 Permanent Job
2). select server_number, init_db_version from server_names;
1123 23
The JOB_ID is in hexadecimal contains SERVER_NUMBER and INIT_DB_VERSION. Format JOB_ID with space as below
00000017 00000463 0000000100000400
00000017 (hexadecimal) is INIT_DB_VERSION value '23' (decimal).
00000463 (hexadecimal) is SERVER_NUMBER value '1123' (decimal).
SERVER_NUMBER and INIT_DB_VERSION are embedded in JOB_ID as hexadecimal while values in SERVER_NAMES are in decimal. If there is a mismatch then the error is thrown. The solution is to update the SERVER_NAMES table respectively using an SQL query.
"UPDATE SERVER_NAMES set SERVER_NUMBER = XXXXX;" where XXXX is replaced by decimal value.
Additionally, make sure SERVER_ID in the icconfig.xml file (<bwc-home>/server/<server-name>/conf) matches with SERVER_NUMBER. Similarly, INIT_DB_VERSION can be updated if there is a mismatch.