Installed Software Not Available or disabled or uninstalled under "Installed Software" Tab on the Administrator GUI.

Installed Software Not Available or disabled or uninstalled under "Installed Software" Tab on the Administrator GUI.


Article ID: KB0072566


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Administrator -
Not Applicable -


When we install a TIBCO Software in a TIBCO_HOME, the software does not get listed in the "Installed Software" list. if it is there in the list it shows the status as disabled or uninstalled on the Administrator's Graphical User Interface(GUI) under "Installed Software". 

TIBCO Administrator 5.x.x
TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.x.x
OS : All

If the software is not listed under "Installed Software" list or it is showing the status as disabled/uninstalled, then we will not be able to deploy/run the applications related to that software on that particular machine. 

1). The TIBCO software is not installed properly. Check the installation logs for any error which may have occurred during installation.

2). Lock files could be preventing the domain's hawkagent from detecting the installed software.

3). Lock files which could cause updating the<machine-name> file during installation. This means that the software installation was not complete. Look for exceptions in the installation logs.



Installed Software Not Available or disabled or uninstalled under "Installed Software" Tab on the Administrator GUI.


Scenario 1:

1). Look for "*lck" and "*lock" files under the <TIBCO_HOME> dir or <user home> dir .

2). Look for files named .installregistrylock and .installerregistrysync under the <TIBCO_HOME> dir or <user home> dir .
It is a hidden file on Linux/Unix platform. Please run command " ls -al" to check if this file exists. 
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3). If you find any of the above files then stop TIBCO Admin and Hawk, and kill all rvd and tibhawkhma processes on all the nodes.

4). Remove all the above files from <TIBCO_HOME> dir and <user home> dir .

5). Start TIBCO Administrator and Hawk and verify if the issue is resolved.

Scenario 2:

1). Verify the software installation by using the following commands.
   - java -cp <tibco-home>\tra\<version>\lib\install\TIBCOInstallerUtility.jar com.tibco.installer.util.TIBCOInstallerUtil <tibco-home> -productinfo > test_prodInfo_install
   - java -cp <tibco-home>\tra\<version>\lib\install\TIBCOInstallerUtility.jar com.tibco.installer.util.TIBCOInstallerUtil <tibco-home> -deploymentInfo > test_deployInfo_install
   - Open the test_prodInfo_install and test_deployInfo_install files and search and verify if it can detect the missing software.

2). Verify if the domain's hawkagent could detect the installed software by the following steps.

   - Kill the domain's hawkagent and hawkhma on the machine on which the TIBCO Software is installed.

   - Delete/Backup the tsm.log file under <tibco-home>/tra/domain/<domain-name>/logs folder.

   - Set " -tsm_traceLevel" param to -1 (of which the default value is 7) in the hawkagent.cfg file under <Tibco-Home>\tra\domain\<Domain_Name> and restart the hawk agent.
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   - Open the fresh tsm.log file and search for the "<TIBCOProducts>" XML tag and check if the concerned product is present within the <TIBCOProducts> XML tag.
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  If the product is detected in all the above 3 files (test_prodInfo_install, test_deployInfo_install and tsm.log) then it maybe scenario 3,4 or 5. Follow the steps in scenario 3,4 or 5 to resolve the issue.

Scenario 3:

1). As per above scenario, if the software is listed in the test_prodInfo_install and test_deployInfo_install files and not in the tsm.log file then check if a system level variable(TIBCO_HOME) is set and if it is set to a wrong TIBCO_HOME.

Try the command: echo $TIBCO_HOME to verify if a system level variable TIBCO_HOME is set or not and if set it should point to the correct TIBCO_HOME.

  If a system Level variable: TIBCO_HOME is set then the domain's hawkagent will use the system variable's value of TIBCO_HOME instead of the value present in the hawkagent_<domain-name>. tra file.

2). If you are using a script to start the domain's hawkagent then check the script if you are setting a system level variable: TIBCO_HOME as a part of the script.

Scenario 4:

1). Check if a corrupted plugin has been uploaded. This could prevent the domain's hawkagent from registering the installed software in the domain's repository.

2). On the Administrator graphical user interface(GUI), All Service Instance > Administrator Instance > plugin tab, select the plugin for the concerned software and remove it.

3). Check the Installed software tab to see if the page is updated with the missing software.

4). Try restarting TIBCO Administrator, Hawk and verify if the issue has been resolved.

Scenario 5:

1). Follow the steps in Scenario 2 and if it is not detected in any of the files then follow these steps and see if it resolves the issue.

2). Check the tsm.log file and search for "Arg: logfile" string and verify the full path of the<machine-name> file.
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3). It could be a configuration issue for which the domain's hawkagent could be reading the wrong<machine-name> file.

4). Configuration issues such as the system's DNS server has 2 entries of the machine-name (one all caps and one without any caps) for the machine's IP-Address which can cause the issue.

Scenario 6:

1). Example: SAP Adapter have additional subcomponents such as R3.

2). Under installed software SAP could be visible but while deploying an application which uses only the R3 component, the Administrator reports that the R3 component is not available on the machine.

3). This happens when an incomplete upload of the software takes place because of an inconsistent communication issue when the domain's hawkagent is started.

4). The main software is uploaded and not the subcomponents so even multiple restarts of the domain's hawkagent do not resolve the issue.

5). Follow these steps in this scenario.

- Stop the domain's hawkagent and the hawkhma on the machine.

- Rename the _installInfo folder to _installInfo_bk under <tibco-home>.

- Rename the<machine-name> file to<machine-name>.bk

- Restart the domain's hawkagent. This should clear the main and the sub-components of the installed software from the repository.

- Rename _installInfo folder and the<machine-name> file back to the original name.

- Restart the domain's hawkagent and if there are no communication issues then this should resolve the issue.

Scenario 7 :

If you see the following symptoms then refer to solution SOL1-EEPVOP and check if it resolves the issue.

Installed software does not show in the Administrator GUI or changed to "Uninstalled".

After setting "-tsm_traceLevel" to -1 in hawkagent.cfg and restart the Hawk agent, it can be seen that the Hawk agent does detect all installed components in the tsm.log, but there is an error like the following:

<-------- tsm.log -------
2013 Feb 07 09:27:35:031 GMT 11 tsm Error [] [TRA-000000] Can not register software because can not find machine oncillad in the domain.


Scenario 8 :
After upgrading the Administrator version, the latest version does not reflect in the Administrator GUI. Where as other products sync up fine except for the Administrator.

Most probably the root cause of this Issue is due to the incorrect Administrator domain path in the DomainHomes.Properties file.

After setting  "-tsm_traceLevel" to -1 in hawkagent.cfg and restart the Hawk agent, the below debug message is logged in the tsm.log

2016 Jan 26 10:46:32:550 GMT -08:00 tsm Debug [] [TRA-000000] === upgradeTIBCOAdminServer(): D:/TIBCO/administrator/domain/TIBCO_QA/TIBCO_QA/bin/tibcoadmin_TIBCO_QA.tra doesn't exist

If the above scenarios/steps are not helpful, then please open a ticket with TIBCO Support.

Scenario 9:
New software is installed in a different TIBCO_HOME. 
It is normal that TRA hawk agent does not detected in a different TIBCO_HOME because different TIBCO_HOME is supposed to be isolated from each other. 
In this case, the solution is to reinstall the products in the same TIBCO_HOME as TRA hawk agent is running.