“Startup Error. Port not available. Failed to Start the adapter on the port: 80. Error Message: Address already in use: JVM_Bind”.

“Startup Error. Port not available. Failed to Start the adapter on the port: 80. Error Message: Address already in use: JVM_Bind”.


Article ID: KB0087091


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TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Lotus Notes -
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Error message: “Startup Error. Port not available. Failed to Start the adapter on the port: 80. Error Message: Address already in use: JVM_Bind” when starting Lotus Notes Adapter 6.0.0.

Lotus Notes Adapter 6.0.0

There may be several running Lotus Notes Adapters. When attempting to start another Lotus Notes Adapter or start several LN Adapters at the same time, the adapter will throw this error. The reason is because the default HTTP port number for LN Adapter is 80 and port 80 is being used by other LN Adapter or other application. LN Adapter works as a TCP client, thus it cannot bind to the same port at the same time. You can find this HTTP port configuration under Adapter Instance-&gtAdapter Services-&gtHttp Port to Listen to LotusNotes Events.

Note that this HTTP port is used for Pub and RPCC services. If using Sub or RPC services this issue will still exist because the Lotus Notes Adapter will bind the HTTP port during the initialization even though there is no Pub or RPCC service. That binding will not affect the RPC or Sub service processing even though the binding failed.

1). Determine which application is using the HTTP port number which is set in the Adapter instance. Close the application and release the port.

2). If another Lotus Notes Adapter is using the port and the customer uses Pub or RPCC service, the customer can modify the HTTP port and make sure that the LN Adapter instance uses a different HTTP port. Note that the port number specified here must be the same as the Port Number in the Setup Document or the Event Setup Document of the database, which is configured in Lotus Notes.

3). If using the Sub or RPC service, select “None” for Transport Type to Listen to Lotus Notes Event under Adapter Instance-&gtAdapter services tab. In this case LN Adapter will not bind HTTP port during the initialization.


“Startup Error. Port not available. Failed to Start the adapter on the port: 80. Error Message: Address already in use: JVM_Bind”.