When adding a machine using domainutlitycmd, FileNotFoundException occurs for DomainHomes.properties file.

When adding a machine using domainutlitycmd, FileNotFoundException occurs for DomainHomes.properties file.


Article ID: KB0086061


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Products Versions
TIBCO Administrator -
Not Applicable -


On a machine where no domains have been created before, when the following cmd is run to add a machine, a FileNotFoundException occurs. In spite of the error the machine does get added to the domain.

domainutlitycmd -cmdFile AddMachine.xml

TIBCO Administrator 5.6.x & 5.7.x
TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.6.x & 5.7.x
OS : All

Below is the stack trace for this error:
[root@localhost bin]# ./domainutilitycmd -cmdFile ../template/domainutility/cmdline/AddMachineEMSDomain.xml

Starting command line execution....

Executing task: AddMachine

INFO : Connected to: tcp:// ## Thu Aug 25 14:58:25 MST 2011 ##

Operation Failed. Please view the log for more details.

[root@localhost bin]# more ../logs/domainutility.log

2011 Aug 25 14:58:18:636 GMT -0700 DU Info [DomainUtility] AESDKJ-0000 Starting command line execution....

2011 Aug 25 14:58:18:968 GMT -0700 DU Info [DomainUtility] AESDKJ-0000 Executing task: AddMachine

2011 Aug 25 14:58:18:972 GMT -0700 DU Info [DomainUtility] AESDKJ-0000 Validating credentials

2011 Aug 25 14:58:19:96 GMT -0700 DU Info [DomainUtility] AESDKJ-0000 Adding machine "hshah-t400" to domain "EMSADMINLDAP"

2011 Aug 25 14:58:25:866 GMT -0700 DU Error [DomainUtility] AESDKJ-0000 java.io.FileNotFoundException: /opt/tibco/tra/domain

/DomainHomes.properties (No such file or directory)

at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)

at java.io.FileOutputStream.&ltinit>(FileOutputStream.java:179)

at java.io.FileOutputStream.&ltinit>(FileOutputStream.java:131)

at com.tibco.administrator.domain.DomainHomesManager.saveDomainHomes(DomainHomesManager.java:481)

at com.tibco.administrator.du.task.addmachine.JoinDomainTask.joinDomain(JoinDomainTask.java:281)

at com.tibco.administrator.du.task.addmachine.JoinDomainTask.execute(JoinDomainTask.java:219)

at com.tibco.administrator.du.cmdline.CmdLineHandler.execute(CmdLineHandler.java:203)

at com.tibco.administrator.du.DomainUtility.main(DomainUtility.java:425)

2011 Aug 25 14:58:25:866 GMT -0700 DU Info [DomainUtility] AESDKJ-0000 Operation Failed. Please view the log for more details.

When adding a machine, domainutilitycmd script looks for the DomainHomes.properties file. If this cmd is run from a machine where no domain has been created then this file would not exist. Hence, FileNotFoundException occurs for DomainHomes.properties file.

1). Use Domain utility GUI.

2). Use Domainutilitycmd after creating empty DomainHomes.properties files under &ltTIBCO Home>/tra/domain.

You can also create this file manually before running domainutilitycmd.


When adding a machine using domainutlitycmd, FileNotFoundException occurs for DomainHomes.properties file.