Cause =========== BusinessConnect 6.X uses HTTP 1.1 to communicate with trading partners. It includes a header:
Expect: 100-Continue
which some older proxy servers cannot handle, which causes the error.
Resolution ========== This is a known issue which has been address in BC 6.0.2 and BC 6.1. The issue can be resolved by adding the following property to the BC settings as follows:
1). Go to Administrator>BusinessConnect>System Settings>Activated Protocol Plug-ins and Properties >BCb. A list of properties appear.
2). Add the following Boolean property:
and make sure it is disabled (unchecked). This will prevent BC from sending out this header.
3). Save the settings.
4). Restart all BC engines.
BusinessConnect 6.X HTTP outbound requests get rejected by trading partner with "417 Expectation Failed".BusinessConnect 5.X works without issue.