Appmanage commands from script fails with the error: "Failed to open properties file : AppManage.tra: Adjustment failed".

Appmanage commands from script fails with the error: "Failed to open properties file : AppManage.tra: Adjustment failed".


Article ID: KB0086398


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Products Versions
TIBCO Runtime Agent (TRA) -
Not Applicable -


Appmanage commands from script fails with error "Failed to open properties file : AppManage.tra: Adjustment failed".

When running AppManage from a different directory than the default &ltTRA_HOME>/&ltVersion>/bin you have to provide the AppManage.tra file path.

TIBCO Administrator 5.7.x or higher version.
TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.7.x or higher version.
OS : All

1). Using a single “-“ delimiter before propFile parameter when a double “--“ delimiter is needed. This may be confusing as other AppManage parameters require only the  single “-“ delimiter.


       AppManage -deploy -app myApp -user user1 -pw user1 -domain test.

2).The path of AppManage.tra

Run AppManage with the  -- propFile option. Use the propFile parameter to specify the correct location of AppManage.tra.


       AppManage --propFile &ltTRA_HOME>/&ltVersion>/bin/AppManage.tra

“propFile” is parameter of wrap which applies to all TIBCO binaries under TRA which expect the tra file to be available to run. The following is the list of wrap parameters which can be used with AppManage and require a double “--“ delimiter before the paramaters .

    AppManage &ltcommand>

where &ltcommand> can be one of the following command switches:
    --propFile &ltfileName>
    --install, installs the wrapped application as a service
    --uninstall, uninstalls a previously installed service
    --update, updates a previously installed wrapped application
      or installs if non-existing
    --start, starts a previously installed service
    --startSync, starts a previously installed service synchronously
    --restart, restarts service
    --stop, stops a running service
    --run, runs the wrapped application as a console application
    --debug, shows debug information
    --silent, does not show error messagebox
    --query, queries the state of the service
    --propVar &ltname=value>, replaces the custom variable with its value
      *** The custom variable has to be set as %name% in the .tra file.
    --delayStart, sets a delay time in milliseconds to run the application\


Appmanage commands from script fails with the error: "Failed to open properties file : AppManage.tra: Adjustment failed".