How to enable different log modes using the new log4j logger in Hawk 5.x?

How to enable different log modes using the new log4j logger in Hawk 5.x?


Article ID: KB0086500


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Products Versions
TIBCO Hawk -
Not Applicable -


From version 4.x to 5.x, Hawk uses a new log4j logger. "-log_level" in hawkagent.cfg and hawkevent.cfg does not work if you want to capture only WARN level. Follow the instructions below to change the log mode.

Hawk 5.0

Here are the steps to run Hawk 5.0 Agent in different log modes using the new log4j logger:

1).   INFO: This is the default log mode for the Hawk agent and requires no change in configuration.[ -log_level in hawkagent.cfg is set to 7].
2).   DEBUG: To run the Agent in debug mode, set the parameter -log_level in hawkagent.cfg to 8.
3).   WARN: To run the Agent in WARN log mode:
3a).    No change is required in hawkagent.cfg -log_leve. It should be set to 7. Setting it to 6 will have no impact.
3b).    Confirm that the  property is set in tibhawkagent.tra .       
3c).    In, change the following statement:
           log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout, RFileApp
          log4j.rootLogger=WARN, RFileApp

4).   ERROR: For error mode, follow the steps similar to WARN mode and in Configure the ERROR mode instead of WARN.

For Event service:

1). INFO: This is default log mode for Hawk Event service and requires not change in configuration.[ -log_level in hawkevent.cfg is set to 7].
2.  DEBUG: To run Event Service in debug mode, just set the parameter -log_level in hawkevent.cfg to 8.
3). WARN: To run Event Service in WARN log mode:
3a).  No change required in hawkevent.cfg -log_level should remain to 7, setting to 6 will have no impact.
3b).  Copy to
3c).  Add thefollowing property in tibhawkevent.tra
3d). In the log4j_, change the following statement from
       log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout, RFileApp
       log4j.rootLogger=WARN, RFileApp

4). ERROR: For error mode, follow the steps similar to WARN mode and in in log4j_ Configure ERROR mode instead of WARN.


How to enable different log modes using the new log4j logger in Hawk 5.x?