The BusinessConnect engine throw the following error on startup: "RuntimeBootsrtap:sInit java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jHVInStream in java.library.path" error.
Article ID: KB0078138
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TIBCO BusinessConnect EDI Protocol Powered by Instream
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: ========= When testing an EDI inbound/outbound X12/EDIFACT transaction, the following error occurs:
RuntimeBootsrtap:sInit Error initializing installed 'EDIFACT' [or 'X12'] protocol, from 'tibEDI' plugin with Runtime extension ''
RuntimeBootsrtap:sInit java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jHVInStream in java.library.path
Environment: ============ TIBCO BusinessConnect EDI Protocol Version 6.X.X
Cause: ====== The post installation steps of linking Instream and Translator libraries on Linux have not been preformed. Importantly, the incorrect Instream and Translator versions in the Interior tra file may cause this issue.
The BusinessConnect engine throw the following error on startup: "RuntimeBootsrtap:sInit java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jHVInStream in java.library.path" error.
Resolution: =========== After installing EDI 6.x.x protocol, follow the post installation steps in the EDI Installation guide and link the Instream and Translator libraries on Linux. The linking may not be required on Windows.
Importantly make sure that the edi.tra file ($BC_HOME/protocols/tibedi/bin/) has the correct Instream and Translator versions. If you make any changes in this edi.tra file, you have to redeploy your BusinessConnect application in the Administrator GUI under Application Management. This redeployment shall update the Interior tra file with the correct Instream and Translator versions.