How do I resolve "Token out of sync with installation" error in BusinessConnect?

How do I resolve "Token out of sync with installation" error in BusinessConnect?


Article ID: KB0086364


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How do I resolve "Token out of sync with installation" error in BusinessConnect?

TIBCO BusinessConnect 6.x.x

1). After doing a create installation, exporting a new gateway token, copying it to \\tibco\bc\6.1\gs\token, this error still occurs in the BC interior engine log file:

Error processing Gateway idle startup request. Token out of sync with installation. If installation was recreated, new token needs to be created or reexported if the token was last exported. If tokens were revoked, reexport the token.

2). In the Admin GUI, the "Stop" and/or "Remove" button is grayed out when you try to delete/stop the Gateway Instances  (Admin > BC > Gateway > Gateway Instances > Location).

After doing create installation, the old gateway token record is still in the BC_SCHEDULED_TASK  table.

1). Stop BC Interior Server(s) and Gateway server(s).

2. Using a database editor tool, identify and delete the old gateway token from the BC_SCHEDULED_TASK table in the BC database. In this table, the column protocolName is "GatewayServerManagement", aux1 is host name/ip address, aux2 is Management port, aux3 is gateway services (HTTP, FILE etc), aux14 is gateway token name and aux5 indicates the gsengine status (-1 is shutdown) etc.

3).  Restart all engines and verify that the error no longer occurs.


How do I resolve "Token out of sync with installation" error in BusinessConnect?