Resolution: Description
After installing TIBCO ActiveMatrix Policy Director (PD) 1.0.1, this error is observed while deploying a TIBCO ActiveMatrix Business Works (BW) application:
Caused by: The JMS configuration file does not specify a required property. Expected property with name: jms.jndi.useJndi
This error is caused if:
TIBCO ActiveMatrix Policy Director Administrator plugin is not uprgraded after installing PD1.0.1. T
he attached file (Filename: for PD1.0.0 is different from the attached file (Filename: for PD1.0.1.
If upgrading from an existing PD100 to PD101, do the following:
1). Remove the PD100 plugin using the wrap command.
2). Install and finish post-install steps for PD1.0.1 .
3). Run the wrap command to upload the PD1.0.1 plugin.
Remove the plugin and install it again:
wrap --propFile PDBWPlugin.tra -domain <domain_name> -cleanup
Removed BWServerDeploymentPlugIn
-- and then --
wrap --propFile PDBWPlugin.tra -domain <domain_name>
Added BWServerDeploymentPlugIn.