BWPM 2.2.0 was bundled with upgrade-readme.txt which is not needed as BWPM 2.2.0 is a full installer.
Article ID: KB0087619
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor
Not Applicable
Description: BWPM 2.2.0 was GA on Nov 1 2013 and its available on download site now. This package is a full installer, so customers need not upgrade their environment manually. The upgrade-readme.txt should not have been included in the GA image. In future release this file will be removed.
There are two ways to upgrade from existing version to BWPM 2.2.0. 1.Replace the bwpm WAR file in Tomcat and follow the instructions on screen. OR 2. If you do not wish to configure JDBC and JMS connection for Data Providers once again, follow the instructions below: >>>>>>>>>>> 1.Take a backup of in your tomcat BWPM directory. 2.Stop tomcat. 3.Replace bwpm.war with BWPM 2.2.0 one. 4.Start the tomcat and redeploy the new BWPM instance and logout of BWPM GUI. 5.Put back the 6.Stop and restart the Tomcat to read the and this way it will not ask the user to configure DB connections once again. 7.After that the BWPM GUI will prompt for migrate the DB schemas for upgrade and user need to click Yes/OK. The migration will take sometime. OR user can download the scripts and ask DBA to run the scripts is a recommended way to migrate. 8.You will need to clear the browser cache to reflect the latest BWPM version on BWPM GUI. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Symptoms:
BWPM 2.2.0 was bundled with upgrade-readme.txt which is not needed as BWPM 2.2.0 is a full installer.