How to eliminate “Stream closed“ or “recv failed” error to start Sdapter adopting JNDI-SSL-EMS-session (can be started from CMD) from Designer successfully
Article ID: KB0087489
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TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for SAP Solutions
Not Applicable
Resolution: Description: =========== On Windows, the SAP adapter endpoint is configured to adopt a JNDI-SSL-EMS session. It can be started successfully from the command line but cannot be started from “Adapter Tester” without an error message.
Environment: =========== TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for SAP 7.0
Symptoms: =========== O Windows, the SAP adapter endpoint is configured to adopt a JNDI-SSL EMS session. It can be started successfully from command line using the dat file and tra file generated by “Adapter Tester” from Designer. However, when it started from “Adapter Tester”, one of the following two errors is throwed.
com.tibco.sdk.MNestedException: "JMS error: "Failed to connect via SSL to [ssl:// hostName:7243]: Stream closed.
com.tibco.sdk.MNestedException: "JMS error: "Failed to connect via SSL to [ssl://hostName:7243]: Software caused connection abort: recv failed
Cause: =========== By default, the debug switch for SSL is open and adapter will spend a considerable time writing to log. Since the adapter is busying doing I/O work, the (SSL) connection establish process is blocked from the adapter side. Sometimes when the socket timeout being set by -Dcom.tibco.tibjms.socket.connect.timeout (by default 3 seconds) is reached, the socket is closed by adapter and some socket-related errors are generated.
Resolution: =========== Add into adr3\7.0\bin\adr3.tra file to turn off the debug switch.
How to eliminate “Stream closed“ or “recv failed” error to start Sdapter adopting JNDI-SSL-EMS-session (can be started from CMD) from Designer successfully