TIBCO Business Studio BPM Edition 3.6.0 HotFix 001 is available.
Article ID: KB0087810
Updated On:
TIBCO Business Studio - BPM Edition
Not Applicable
Description: Product Name : TIBCO Business Studio(TM) Release Version : 3.6.0_HF-001 Release Date : January 2014 ======================================================================
Hotfixes are cumulative. This is the first hotfix for TIBCO Business Studio 3.6.0. It includes the issues listed in the Closed Issues section.
XPD-5710 Provide Javadocs for implementation of API for iProcess XPDL to TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM XPDL conversions. See "Business Studio Customer API Feature Documentation" in the Eclipse Help.
XPD-5640 Extend current user process priorities (100, 200, 300 or 400) to allow 100 to 400, inclusive.
XPD-5639 Exception thrown by Retain Familiar / Separation of duties validation rule when selected user tasks are in embedded sub-processes.
XPD-5578 DAA generation removes version clauses from Export-Package in manifests of BOM-derived artefacts when the word 'qualifier' is not present.
XPD-5483 The XPath validation problem for "Process Manager 2.x : Following referenced XSDs contain namespaces with missing prefixes, which will need to be added:" should not be raised when there is a default namespace AND explicit prefix for the same namespace.
XPD-5383 Implement API for iProcess XPDL to TIBCO ActiveMatrix XPDL conversions.
XPD-5347 Allow entry of string array values against capability/privilege qualifiers and resource attributes.
SCF-252 Persistent NullPointer exception when building (validating) .daa file due to NullPointer exception in Indexer.
SCF-249 MAC Operating System: Some inconsistent behavior with Export Studio Projects to Archive dialog.
SCF-248 TIBCO Business Studio crashes on Linux when a qualified privilege is being added to an Organization Model.
FORM-6264 Project import and migrate from an older workspace can result in GWT preview error.
FORM-6230 Mobile preview is broken.
FORM-6208 UML model of JavaScript runtime library is incomplete.
FORM-6198 BOM JavaScript not generated when custom control property references a BOM class.
FORM-6148 Support creation of a Forms data mappings file. See the Addendum (Forms Data Mappings) (located in <TIBCO_HOME>/studio/3.6/doc/HFAddendum) for more information. In this hotfix, the generated data mappings file will appear as localized even though it is in fact not a localized file. This has no effect on the actual runtime behavior of the data mappings file. In later versions this file may no longer appear as localized. Please refer to the release notes for future releases to confirm the situation.
FORM-6130 Getting exception on form designer after renaming model element and moving it.
BX-3051 Problem using Signal event to update Timer event in the presence of other types of boundary events.
BX-3049 Allow the user to select a pageflow process when creating an emulation file.
ABPM-731 Provide Forms parameter to Forms control mapping resource file.
The TIBCO Business Studio BPM Edition 3.6.0 HotFix 001 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: