Description: Machine status in TIBCO Administrator GUI is green OK, but detailed inforamtion like CPU, Memory, Disk is not dispalyed.
Symptoms: Machine status in TIBCO Administrator GUI is green OK, but detailed inforamtion like CPU, Memory, Disk is not diplayed.
And TsmMethodSubscriber failure caused by invalid method name can be observed in log file tsm.log.
<----- tsm.log -----
2014 Feb 06 09:18:40:203 GMT 1 tsm Error [] [TRA-000303] Method subscription on Agent "sasv0277" MicroAgent "sasv0277" method "COM.TIBCO.hawk.hma.Performance" failed because of Processore.
2014 Feb 06 09:18:40:204 GMT 1 tsm Error [] [TRA-002018] TsmMethodSubscriber (Performance:Processor) failed: Invalid method. COM.TIBCO.hawk.talon.MicroAgentException: Invalid method at COM.TIBCO.hawk.agent.mafactories.AmiTibrvMicroAgent.startSubscription( at COM.TIBCO.hawk.agent.macollection.MicroAgent.subscribe(
2014 Feb 06 09:18:40:206 GMT 1 tsm Error [] [TRA-000303] Method subscription on Agent "sasv0277" MicroAgent "sasv0277" method "COM.TIBCO.hawk.hma.Performance" failed because of Disco logico.
2014 Feb 06 09:18:40:206 GMT 1 tsm Error [] [TRA-002019] TsmMethodSubscriber (Performance:LogicalDisk) failed: Invalid method. COM.TIBCO.hawk.talon.MicroAgentException: Invalid method at COM.TIBCO.hawk.agent.mafactories.AmiTibrvMicroAgent.startSubscription( at COM.TIBCO.hawk.agent.macollection.MicroAgent.subscribe( ...
Cause: This is caused by incorrect microagent method localization.