When a cross origin resource sharing (CORS) request for a PUT operation is sent to a REST service built with the plug-in dispatch activity, there is a problem when the request is sent from a browser such as Chrome or FireFox because of the different behavior of those browsers in sending the request. The same request works fine when sent from IE.
Symptoms: When the request is sent from Chrome or FireFox, that request is not handled properly. A similar error is reported in the client.
XMLHttpRequest cannot load…06:21:55PM%20-%20john.employee%20bala%20test%20ytty%20test&alertStatusId=4. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:63013' is therefore not allowed access. default.html:1
Cause: The browser sends an OPTIONS operation before it sends a PUT operation. If the OPTIONS operation is not handled correctly in the REST service, the above error is reported in the client and the following PUT request cannot go through.