Description: When upgrading KPSA application to FP 3.8, migration of workflows (POF, WOF ...) from bprime xml to bpmn is required. It is done using Fulfillment studio.
Users may edit and modify these bpmn files using FS. However, migrated flows may fail to be loaded during FP startup.
Symptoms: When loading BPMN WOF files, you can see in the cartAdmin log file errors such as:
FAILED Operation 'Event_configure' on 'PoolFactory:HLRAlcatelR5' with DATA:
NVSet: TrnFilePath=./conf/ERXTelnetCart.trn|XMLFilePath=./conf/ERXTelnetCart-DisconnectSession.bpmn
=> <XML file processing failed <Errors loading file './conf/ERXTelnetCart-DisconnectSession.bpmn': FATAL ERROR: line: 32column: 97
Message: The attribute 'xsi:type' is already used in element 'bpmn2:conditionExpression'
>. This particular Cartridge Element needs to be reconfigured before being usable again.>. KO
When loading BPMN POF files, you can see in the fp engine log errors such as:
2014-03-11 17:18:36.927440|USR|WARN |11284|builtin.cpp(193)|replaceFlow(./conf/pof04-VoiceDeActivate.bpmn) raises an exception <Errors loading file './conf/pof04-VoiceDeActivate.bpmn': FATAL ERROR: line: 33column: 98
Message: The attribute 'xsi:type' is already used in element 'bpmn2:conditionExpression'
> : ignored
Cause: Imported bpmn files become currupt after beeing modified and saved under Fulfillment studio. This is due to a defect in FS 1.0.0 (AP-891).