How to extract CorrelationId using Regular Expression and XPath without the results containg the XML markup in TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor?
Article ID: KB0089376
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor
Not Applicable
Description: If you want to extract CorrelationId using Regular Expression and XPath without the results containing the XML markup then use the generic Regular Expression and XPath as mentioned in the Resolution below.
How to extract CorrelationId using Regular Expression and XPath without the results containg the XML markup in TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor?
Extracting the value of CorrelationId can be
achieved by using this Regular Expression:
“:CorrelationId>([0-9]*?)</” or this XPath (recommended):
“//*:CorrelationId[1]” The correct Regular Expression posted above
will (a) ignore the namespace prefix, and (b) return only the value
between the XML element markup.
For XPath, the namespace must be a
part of the XPath expression. To accept any namespace prefix in XPath
you can use “*:” in front of the element name, such as
“//*:CorrelationId[1]”. The XPath processor searches for all
“CorrelationId” elements in all namespaces and returns the value of the
first result.