TIBCO BusinessEvents (BE) engine fails to start and reports an error of [Thread.cpp, 94: start: ][assertion_failure] failed _cond=error == 0, _error=11

TIBCO BusinessEvents (BE) engine fails to start and reports an error of [Thread.cpp, 94: start: ][assertion_failure] failed _cond=error == 0, _error=11


Article ID: KB0089017


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition -
Not Applicable -


The engine is failing to start during 'entity' initialization e.g.

2013 May 22 13:49:53:196 GMT -4 be_kcgf_SiemensSCEventProcessor_v052020131313-be_kcgf_SiemensSCEventProcessor_inference2 Info [main] - [runtime.service] Started [ASEntityDao] for entity [be.gen.Events.SCEvents.DischList_Changed] with cache name [dist-unlimited-nobs-SiemensSCEventProcessorcache--be_gen_Events_SCEvents_DischList_Changed]

The engine will core dump.

There is an OS limit on the number of threads per user which is being exceeded.


TIBCO BusinessEvents (BE) engine fails to start and reports an error of [Thread.cpp, 94: start: ][assertion_failure] failed _cond=error == 0, _error=11


Either change the max processors per user from 1024 to 2048 (ulimit -u  / 'nproc' in the /etc/security/limits.conf file) or set nproc (number of processes allowed by that user) via limits.conf as an alternative way to set resource limits. Users can also set this via ulimit –u <2048>, which is the same as setting it via limits.conf, but the user has to do it in every shell instance.

Additional Information

SR 362856 activities 19 and 24.