TIBCO BusinessEvents (BE) engine fails to start and reports an error of [Thread.cpp, 94: start: ][assertion_failure] failed _cond=error == 0, _error=11
Article ID: KB0089017
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition
Not Applicable
Description: The engine is failing to start during 'entity' initialization e.g.
2013 May 22 13:49:53:196 GMT -4 be_kcgf_SiemensSCEventProcessor_v052020131313-be_kcgf_SiemensSCEventProcessor_inference2 Info [main] - [runtime.service] Started [ASEntityDao] for entity [be.gen.Events.SCEvents.DischList_Changed] with cache name [dist-unlimited-nobs-SiemensSCEventProcessorcache--be_gen_Events_SCEvents_DischList_Changed]
Symptoms: The engine will core dump.
Cause: There is an OS limit on the number of threads per user which is being exceeded.
TIBCO BusinessEvents (BE) engine fails to start and reports an error of [Thread.cpp, 94: start: ][assertion_failure] failed _cond=error == 0, _error=11
Either change the max processors per user from 1024 to 2048 (ulimit -u / 'nproc' in the /etc/security/limits.conf file) or set nproc (number of processes allowed by that user) via limits.conf as an alternative way to set resource limits. Users can also set this via ulimit –u <2048>, which is the same as setting it via limits.conf, but the user has to do it in every shell instance.