Products | Versions |
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service | - |
Not Applicable | - |
Oracle Support Document
1619580.1 (Issues In Solaris 10 and Solaris 11.1 May Cause a System Panic
('devpoll_clean_fd') or A Network Outage) can be found at:
There are two issues
described by this Alert for Bug 17628036:
Issue 1: A race condition between 'pollhead_delete()' and 'strclose->pollhead_clean'
may cause a system panic. Prevalence of this issue varies but is usually
associated with systems using Java applications.
Issue 2: The entire network may experience an outage, and multi-threaded
Java processes cannot be killed (kill(1)).
NOTE: Patches
150400-06, 150400-07 and 150401-06, 150401-07 (specific to Issue 2 network
outage) have been WITHDRAWN and are no longer available for download.