How to deploy a TIBCO BusinessEvents application using Cache and Inference Agents on multiple machines in Fault-Tolerant (FT) mode.

How to deploy a TIBCO BusinessEvents application using Cache and Inference Agents on multiple machines in Fault-Tolerant (FT) mode.


Article ID: KB0088915


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Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition -
Not Applicable -


How to deploy a TIBCO BusinessEvents application using Cache  and Inference Agents on multiple machines in Fault-Tolerant (FT) mode.


How to deploy a TIBCO BusinessEvents application using Cache and Inference Agents on multiple machines in Fault-Tolerant (FT) mode.


1). CacheServers: You can configure a backupCount (CDD -> ObjectManagement [Cache]-> Number of Backup Copies) to define the number of Cache copies held by each CacheAgent.

BE 5.1.2 supports HostAware replication, so its guaranteed that the backup copy will hold a CacheAgent started on a different machine.
We recommend to install BE 5.1.2HF1.

2). InferenceAgent

Set the max number of active agents to 1 (CDD-> AgentClasses -> Max Active) and define a priority for each ProcessUnit (CDD -> Process Units -> <inferenceAgent> -> Table Agents column priority) priority for each ProcessUnit.

Note: You find more detailed information in the following:
TIBCO BusinessEvents Architects Guide: Chapter: "Cache Object Management and Fault Tolerance Scenarios".
TIBCO BusinessEvents Architects Guide: Chapter: "CDD Agent Classes Tab Settings Reference" and "Configuring Processing Units (All OM Types)"