ActiveSpaces security: Is there a way to provide username/password as a parameter instead of interactively?

ActiveSpaces security: Is there a way to provide username/password as a parameter instead of interactively?


Article ID: KB0088793


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TIBCO ActiveSpaces -
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ActiveSpaces security: Is there a way to provide a username/password as a parameter instead of interactively (prompt at the console)?


ActiveSpaces security: Is there a way to provide username/password as a parameter instead of interactively?


1). Use the callback api (JAVA, C, .NET).

2). Use the command line parameters (-authentication_username, -authentication_password, etc.)

  -authentication_domain <string>     The name of the windows domain to log into. If local/ntlm account (as per the controller), "." can be used. If not Windows, it will be ignored.
  -authentication_username <string>     The authentication username of the user account to be logged in as.

Additional Information

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