How only show static queues, not to show the dynamic and temp queues.

How only show static queues, not to show the dynamic and temp queues.


Article ID: KB0089933


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TIBCO Enterprise Message Service -
Not Applicable -


Show static queues.


How only show static queues, not to show the dynamic and temp queues.


There is no such tibemsadmin command that can just show the statistics of static destinations. However, you can achieve this by using the EMS Admin API. For example:

private void ShowStatQue() throws TibjmsAdminException {
       server= admin.getInfo();
       QueueInfo[] dst=admin.getQueues();    //  Get the info for all the queues that are known to the server.
       for(int i=0;i<dst.length;i++){
          if(dst[i].isStatic()){               //check if this queue is a static queue

For more information, refer to the EMS document “API Reference”. Also refer to the EMS sample code, “” located in “TIBCO-EMS_HOME/samples/admin” .