The queue 'bwpm.event' shows messages in a "Pending" state as well as in a "Delivered" state.
Article ID: KB0089484
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor
Not Applicable
Description: Even though TIBCO BusinessWorks™ ProcessMonitor consumes messages from the queue 'bwpm.event', it shows messages in a pending state as well in a delivered state.
Symptoms: Messages showin in queue 'bwpm.event' as pending state even though it is delivered.
Cause: This can be due to the JMS session has lost/disconnected before acknowledging a message or an acknowledgement could not reach the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service™ server.
The queue 'bwpm.event' shows messages in a "Pending" state as well as in a "Delivered" state.
The message will be reported by TIBCO Enterprise Message Service™ server as "Pending" as well as "Delivered" even though the message has been consumed and written into TIBCO BusinessWorks™ ProcessMonitor Database. The only way to remove these messages is to restart the data providers. Restarting the data provider (lost JMS session) would clear the messages from the queue. Note that no data/messages is lost or delayed in this case. This issue is addressed in the TIBCO BusinessWorks™ ProcessMonitor 3.0 release.