Avoiding manual deployments when enabling Fast TLM Restart.

Avoiding manual deployments when enabling Fast TLM Restart.


Article ID: KB0089300


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TIBCO Silver Fabric Enabler for TIBCO BusinessEvents -
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Avoiding manual re-deployments of applications when changing an existing TLM to use the Fast TLM Restart feature.


Avoiding manual deployments when enabling Fast TLM Restart.


The following discusses adding the “Fast TLM Restart” feature to an existing SFBE TLM that has already had applications deployed. This does not apply to new TLMs that will be using the feature. For example, this might commonly occur when moving from an earlier version of the enabler that lacked the feature to a more current one where the user wishes to enable it.

 If a TLM that wasn’t using the Fast TLM Restart feature enables it, by default the user will have to manually redeploy all applications on that TLM using TIBCO Administrator. This can be time consuming, particularly if many applications are deployed.

There are two ways around this problem and in both cases the steps should be taken immediately before bringing down the component to enable the Fast TLM Restart feature and/or applying the upgrades to the component.

The first method is to manually create the domaindatahome directory, which would normally be created by the enabler the first time the component started using the Fast TLM Restart feature, and place a file called ForceRedeploy.txt in it. This will force an automatic redeployment of the applications that requires no further manual intervention. This is the method that should always be used unless there is a compelling reason not to do so.

The correct path for the domaindatahome directory is:


[FastTlmDirectory] is the “Fast TLM Restart” path defined in the components basic configuration.

[DomainName] is the Domain Name the TLM will be a part of.

[TlmMachineName] is value defined for “TIBCO Domain machine name “ in the component’s basic configuration. NOTE: If this value is not defined, it is the name of the component itself.

This means the full path to the file will be:



The second method should be used only in the case that automatic re-deployments have a prohibitive time investment, or if any re-deployments would have an otherwise unacceptable impact on the environment.

For this second method, manually create the domaindatahome directory followed by /tra/[Domainname] so that the entire structure created is as follows:


Into this directory copy the /application/ and /startup/ directories and the contents from the component’s current domaindata directory. Do not copy any other directories from domaindata.

 Once one of these two methods has been applied, the component can be stopped. Any requisite upgrades can be done and the component can be brought up with the appropriate value in place for “Fast TLM Restart”. This will allow the transition to take place without the need to manually redeploy any applications.