SOAP requests to SFBW deployed applications over Virtual Router.

SOAP requests to SFBW deployed applications over Virtual Router.


Article ID: KB0086134


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TIBCO Silver Fabric Enabler for ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks -
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How to determine the correct URL to use for making a SOAP request to an application deployed on a SFBW TLM via a Virtual Router.


SOAP requests to SFBW deployed applications over Virtual Router.


This article explains how to determine the correct URL to use for retracing a SOAP application in a deployed BW TLM via Virtual Router.

The required information is found by expanding the view of the engine running the TLM in the engine admin and looking for the static route values. The static route values are found between the Hostname and IP Address fields. The static route field will show a static route path, followed by the endpoint URL with the two values being separated by a semicolon. 

For example: /EduAdminDomain/getAccountStatus1/GetAccountStatus.par/ServicePort;http://123.456.789.876:8201/Processes/getAccountStatusService

When forming the virtual router URL, the static route takes the place of the hostname:port section of the endpoint URL after the semicolon. This means that in the above example:

/EduAdminDomain/getAccountStatus1/GetAccountStatus.par/ServicePort  equates to  http://123.456.789.876:8201

To get the full virtual router URL, everything after the hostname and port in the endpoint URL should be appended to the static route which this then appends to the hostname and port of the Virtual Router. In the example here, the full URL to use with the virtual router would be:


In most cases the VirtualRouterHostname and VirtualRouterPort will be the same Host name and Port used for accessing the SilverFabric GUI, unless a Virtual Router running on a different hostname and/or port has been specifically set up and configured separately.