How to get tuple sizes and use them in sizingTIBCO BusinessEvents cache.

How to get tuple sizes and use them in sizingTIBCO BusinessEvents cache.


Article ID: KB0085161


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Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition -
Not Applicable -


How to get tuple sizes in TIBCO Active Spaces cache and use it to help in sizing BusinessEvents (ActiveSpaces) cache.

When using TIBCO Business Events 5.1.3, you now have an option to get the tuple_size for space in cache nodes. This option works both for explicit tuple TRUE and with BLOB storage and will allow you to even find differences in the cache size if you enable explicit tuple
Utility to find space occupied by the content in your cache.


How to get tuple sizes and use them in sizingTIBCO BusinessEvents cache.


There is a new command that you can execute in the as-admin utility of TIBCO Active Spaces after connecting to your cluster that lists the tuple size for each space in the Active Spaces cache. 

- In as-admin prompt, execute the command

"invoke on member '<member_name>' tuple_size"


"invoke on member 'CSU1' tuple_size"

The above command will give you a fairly accurate approximation of memory usage per space. You should execute this command on all seeder/cache nodes to get the complete picture on space usage in the Active Spaces cache. You should mainly focus on the "Cost(mb) and Tuple Avg" columns. Cost includes overhead. Attached (Filename:tuple_size.txt) is an example of the output og tuple_size command (after a little cleanup of empty spaces).

Additional Information

TIBBR post by Engineering team.


How to get tuple sizes and use them in sizingTIBCO BusinessEvents cache. get_app