Products | Versions |
TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor | - |
Not Applicable | - |
You have to create a rule in TIBCO BusinessWorks ProcessMonitor (BWPM) GUI from Administration -> Rules category after logging through the user with Admin privileges. The Rule can be created for the following two requirements on a condition process duration greater than a predefined threshold and additionally the condition of Process Jobend after 1970-01-01 05:29:59 respectively.
Getting Notified Multiple time:
Create a simple rule with a condition process duration greater than the threshold (100000 ms). Set this rule ON. By default, the BWPM Client will send log messages every 30 seconds. Each log message will trigger the rules engine and an alert will be fired if the condition evaluates to True. You can change the frequency by using the following parameter in the client’s tra file: tibco.clientVar.nJAMS/DataProvider/timeoutPush=30000 . The default value is 30000. Currently, BWPM is not executing rules continuously until the job ends, so you may not be notified until the process ends but you will be notified 2 - 4 times.
Being Notified Once
Only after a process is complete:
You can update/add Conditions on the above rule with condition process
jobend after 1970-01-01 05:29:59. This rule will check process the duration on
completing the job and if the duration is greater than 100000 ms. The condition will be
evaluated to True and actions will be triggered. You will receive only one alert per
job. Refer to the attached snapshot (Filename: AlertRuleProcesscompletedTimeMoreThan100000ms.jpg) for details.
Note: If
the BW process is designed as an endless loop or it goes into an infinite loop,
you will never receive an alert since the job never terminates.