Can TIBCO API Exchange Gateway®(APIX-G) be configured to handle both SOAP1.1 as well as SOAP1.2 requests with a single Facade Operation?

Can TIBCO API Exchange Gateway®(APIX-G) be configured to handle both SOAP1.1 as well as SOAP1.2 requests with a single Facade Operation?


Article ID: KB0085142


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO API Exchange -
Not Applicable -


Steps to configure APIX-G to handle both SOAP1.1 as well as SOAP1.2 operations with a single Facade Operation.

Configure Clients(SOAPUI, etc):

Those that use SOAP1.2 WSDLs. To add an extra HTTP Header "SOAPAction" with the value configured for the Facade Operation.

Attached (Filename:SOAPUI_SOAPAction_with_SOAP12.png) is a sample screenshot for reference.


Can TIBCO API Exchange Gateway®(APIX-G) be configured to handle both SOAP1.1 as well as SOAP1.2 requests with a single Facade Operation?


Can TIBCO API Exchange Gateway®(APIX-G) be configured to handle both SOAP1.1 as well as SOAP1.2 requests with a single Facade Operation? get_app