How do I disable passwords for Authorizations and Acknowledgements on TIBCO Nimbus?

How do I disable passwords for Authorizations and Acknowledgements on TIBCO Nimbus?


Article ID: KB0085846


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How can Administrators disable users from needing to entering a password when signing off or approving documents, processes and storyboards within Nimbus? 


How do I disable passwords for Authorizations and Acknowledgements on TIBCO Nimbus?


If this becomes a requirement, then Administrators can go to Administration > System Options > Access and tick 'Suppress password sign offs to support the use of SmartBadges'.

This setting disables the need for users to enter passwords when performing sign-offs, for example when authorizing and acknowledging diagrams, scheduling reviews.  This will effect both the Client and the Webserver.

Additional Information

Information also found in the Online Help Manual available on all TIBCO Nimbus installations via the Help menu.