Who can authorize TIBCO Nimbus process maps?

Who can authorize TIBCO Nimbus process maps?


Article ID: KB0086096


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Which type of user can authorize a TIBCO Nimbus process map or diagram?


Who can authorize TIBCO Nimbus process maps?


Any user that has been sent an authorization request from the map author or owner or map administrator can authorize the process map. If no authorizers have been setup, then the author of the map will be able to authorise the map by going to Manage > Authorize.

The author or owner or map administrator can send a request by setting up the Authorizers first by going to <Manage>, <Authorization> and <Authorizers…>. Click on the '+' button and search for the specific user or users you would like the map to be authorized by. Once you have double clicked on all the users you would like, select 'OK' and 'OK' again.

Then the author or owner or map administrator needs to go to <Manage>, <Authorization> and <Request…>. Choose a date for the map to be authorized by, select the scope and write additional notes. When you press 'OK', it goes to the 'Authorization Request Results' window and it should show the 'Authorization Status' as ‘Authorization is required’. If you press on the green tick which will confirm the request and press 'Yes' so that the authorization request can be sent directly to the authorizers you have set-up. If the 'Authorization Status' is different then carry out what it tells you to do then try to send an authorization request out again.

The next step is to wait to see what the authorizers come back with i.e. whether they authorize or reject the map and any comments.