Description: User tried to deploy the TIBCO Active Spaces (AS) custom feature and TIBCO Active Spaces application on ActiveMatrix node. On the Node log, the following error was reported: UnsatisfiedLinkError
Symptoms: The application does not started successfully. From the Node log, the following exception was reported:
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\tibco\config\amx\tibcohost\Admin-PDX_LOCALDEV_01-LOCALDEV_01_SYS_01\nodes\Node1\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\395\1\.cp\lib\as-common.dll: Can't find dependent libraries: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\tibco\config\amx\tibcohost\Admin-PDX_LOCALDEV_01-LOCALDEV_01_SYS_01\nodes\Node1\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\395\1\.cp\lib\as-common.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
Cause: The issue here is with loading native TIBCO Active Spaces libraries (.dll on Windows or .so on Linux). Each time an AMX application loads classes from an as-common.jar file, the JNI call to load native libs will be made. If the the Node does not load the AS native libs, the as-common.jar will not be able to find the dependent native libraries which will result in the errors reported.