Changing the default log file location for TIBCO BusinessConnect Interior Server and Gateway Server.

Changing the default log file location for TIBCO BusinessConnect Interior Server and Gateway Server.


Article ID: KB0085488


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Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect -
Not Applicable -


How can I change the TIBCO BusinessConnect (BC) Interior Server and Gateway Server (GS) Log file locations? Also, can I change the log file size and number of back up log files for BC and GS?


Changing the default log file location for TIBCO BusinessConnect Interior Server and Gateway Server.


For BusinessConnect (BC)


You can change the BC log file location with the following property in the BC interior tra file (\\Tibco\tra\domain\domain_name\application\BusinessConnect)


For the number of log files and log file size for BC, you can change it in the BC Admi GUI using the location below. This is the preferred method for changes.

Alternatively you can also modify it in the BC interior tra file (Engine.Log.MaxNum and Engine.Log.MaxSize - this is in bytes), but this is not recommended. The reason is because whenever you redeploy a BC application, these values will be erased from the interior tra file.

Admin/Application Management > BusinessConnect > Configuration > xxxxx - Interior Server > Process Configuration > Max Log File Count and 

Admin/Application Management > BusinessConnect > Configuration > xxxxx - Interior Server > Process Configuration > Max Log File Size (KB)  

For Gateway Server


You can change GS log file location with the following property in the gsengine.tra file (\\Tibco\bc\6.x\bin)

For the number of log files and log file size for GS, you can change it in the gsengine.tra file using the properties belowThis is the only option for GS. There is no provision to do the same in Admin GUI for GS.