Large number of producers on EMS sever created by SPM.

Large number of producers on EMS sever created by SPM.


Article ID: KB0085467


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Service Performance Manager -
Not Applicable -


SPM continuously creating producers for spm.ft.queue on EMS server without destroying them.
This can potentially causing performance problems for EMS during a fail over as it can takes up to 10 minute for an EMS fail over. 

From a test environment:

tcp://localhost:7222> show stat producers queue=spm.ft.queue

admin        24  Q  spm.ft.queue          1    0.1 Kb      0    0.0 Kb

admin        24  Q  spm.ft.queue          1    0.1 Kb      0    0.0 Kb

tcp://localhost:7222> show connections full

L  Version   ID  FSXT  S  Host               IP address  User      ClientID    Sess  Prod Cons TmpT  TmpQ Uncomm UncommSize     Uptime

J  8.0.0 V9  24  ---Q  +  mhossein-lnx6.apac [::1]       admin    4 15592    3    0     0      0     0.0 Kb   21:39:36 

15592 producers are created on connection ID 24 related to spm.ft.queue.

The large number of producers causes an increase in the EMS meta db size which causes delays during an EMS fail over.


Large number of producers on EMS sever created by SPM.


Apply one of the following:

Fixed via SPM 2.2.0 HF1
Fixed via SPM 2.1.0 HF1

Additional Information

JIRA: SPM-5742, SPM-5743