A CredentialEntityAdapter Exception is thrown when trying to upload a new certificate to the BusinessConnect Gateway Service from Tibco Administrator.
Article ID: KB0085454
Updated On:
TIBCO BusinessConnect
Not Applicable
Description: When attempting to upload a certificate for the FTPS GS service using Administrator>BusinessConnect > Gateway > Gateway Services > FTPS Service 3022 > Credentials (Tab) > Credential Name > Current Credential, Change > Browse > Select new file > OK , nothing happens in Administrator. The cert is not uploaded and the page sits idle. Symptoms: The credential upload page sits idle and the following exception appears in the Administrator.log file: "com.tibco.ax.gui.bcwebadmin.consoles.gs.credentials.CredentialEntityAdapter cannot be cast to com.tibco.ax.gui.bcwebadmin.consoles.profiles.credentails.CredentialEntityAdapter". Cause: The exception is thrown when an unsupported browser or unsupported OS combination is used to access the Administrator.
A CredentialEntityAdapter Exception is thrown when trying to upload a new certificate to the BusinessConnect Gateway Service from Tibco Administrator.
Check the readme.txt file for the Administrator and BusinessConnect software to check its compatibility with the operating systems and browsers, and use only the supported versions.