Why does Cache Cleanup Manager evict expired entries only after the number of Cache entries is ; 5?

Why does Cache Cleanup Manager evict expired entries only after the number of Cache entries is ; 5?


Article ID: KB0084964


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The number 5 comes from the value set in the underlying project (asg_core.projlib).

The following are the steps needed to make this change in projlib and change the value of the maxCount:

- Edit asg_core.projlib --> CacheCleanup --> Rules --> SendCacheDeleteEvent.rule
- Locate this line and change 5 to x

Old Value:
long maxCount = System.getGlobalVariableAsInt("CacheCleanup/MaxCount/Default" , 5);

New Value:
long maxCount = System.getGlobalVariableAsInt("CacheCleanup/MaxCount/Default" , x);

- Save
- Add Project dependency from studio and re-Build EAR

Verify in the log if the entries are evicted after total # x are in Cache.


Why does Cache Cleanup Manager evict expired entries only after the number of Cache entries is ; 5?