TIBCO Spotfire Web Player Temp File Usage.

TIBCO Spotfire Web Player Temp File Usage.


Article ID: KB0079370


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Web Player 7.0 and lower


During normal operations, TIBCO Spotfire Web Player may store temporary files and data used in analyses that have been opened using the Web Player to disk, in order to support reuse of that data wherever possible. The default location for these files is:
  • <Installation Directory>TIBCO\Spotfire Web Player\X.X.X\Temp
If analyses with large amounts of data are opened, then large amounts of data may be stored here temporarily, including in the sub-folder \Temp\DatStorage\. These files may reach hundreds of gigabytes in size. It is not abnormal for these files to be present, and the Web Player will delete them when they are no longer in use or when the web application is restarted. If the data stored in a particular temporary file is no longer required, the Web Player may remove that file to enable reuse of its disk space.


TIBCO Spotfire Web Player Temp File Usage.


Manually deleting these files is generally not recommended, as that can cause issues with currently open Web Player sessions. If the TIBCO Spotfire Web Application is not started and these files are still present, then they can be removed safely.

Files may become orphaned if there are exceptions that cause early termination of processes, or if there is insufficient disk space for the w3wp.exe process to manage the files. Because of this, it is necessary to ensure that the disk where this folder resides has sufficient capacity to handle the large amounts of data that may be stored there. If disk space is a concern, you can assign the Web Player's \Temp\DataStorage\ folder to a drive with sufficient capacity by adjusting the following configurations in the web.config file:

    <!-- You normally shouldn't edit these settings. -->
      <setting name="TempFolder" serializeAs="String">
        <value>C:\Program Files\TIBCO\Spotfire Web Player\X.X.X\Temp</value>

Modify this path in the web.config file and save the file. Restart the TIBCO Spotfire Web Player application pool to ensure the changes have been registered.

Additional Information

TIBCO Spotfire Web Player Documentation: