Below are the steps to install asg-engine as a Windows Service
Make the following changes in the asg-engine.tra file:
1)> Locate APP_ARGS variable and specify path to EAR
2). Add the properties specific to setting ASG as a Windows Service.
# Windows NT Service
ntservice.displayname=TIBCO ASG Core
ntservice.binary.path.absolute=C\:/tibcoasg/asg/1.2/bin/asg-engine.exe -u asg-caching-core -a BookQuery
3). Log directory can also be confgirued by adding the following property:
Engine.Log.Dir C:/tibcoasg/asg/1.2/bin/logs
4). Add the following extra properties:
5). Set RV_HOME & HAWK_HOME variables respectively in the TRA file.
6). Append the HAWK lib directory at the beginning of TIBCO Extended Classpath.
# Specifies the classpath with expansion on
7). Save the TRA file.
8). From a command window, go to the ASG_Home bin directory(e.g. C:/tibcoasg/asg/1.2/bin) and run the following command:
asg-engine.exe --install
asg-engine.exe --propFile --install
(if you are not using the default properties(.tra) file)
9). Check the Service Manager. "TIBCO ASG Core" will be added.
10). Start the ASG Engine as Windows Service.
A). To uninstall the Windows Service:
asg-engine.exe --uninstall
asg-engine.exe --propFile --uninstall
(if you are not using the default properties(.tra) file)
B). If you make any change to the tra file, you will have to run --uninstall and --install again to update the service registry.
C). Change PATHs based on your setup.
D). Install Hawk and set the variables, if not already installed.