How to enable log4net internal debugging to track down log4net problems in TIBCO Spotfire Web Player 7.0 and lower.

How to enable log4net internal debugging to track down log4net problems in TIBCO Spotfire Web Player 7.0 and lower.


Article ID: KB0074616


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Web Player 7.0 and lower


If you have enabled logging to a database instead of a log file and nothing is being logged in the database, you can enable internal debug logging of log4net to see if any error messages are logged.

Note: this article contains instructions for how to do this for TIBCO Spotfire Web Player 7.0 or lower. For instructions that are applicable to version 7.5 and higher, refer to the knowledge base article instead. 



How to enable log4net internal debugging to track down log4net problems.




1).Open the web players web.config(default path is "C:\Program Files\TIBCO\Spotfire Web Player\x.x.x\webroot").

2). Search for "<appSettings>" and add "<add key="log4net.Internal.Debug" value="true"/>" between "<appSettings>" and "</appSettings>" so it resembles the following:

      <add key="log4net.Internal.Debug" value="true"/>

3). If you cannot find "<appSettings>" in web.config, then add the following between the "<configuration>" and "</configuration>" tags so it looks something like:
      <add key="log4net.Internal.Debug" value="true"/>

4). Just beneath "</appSettings>" add the following but change the value of "initializeData" to where you'd like to save the log file:
	<trace autoflush="true">
			initializeData="C:\Program Files\TIBCO\Spotfire Web Player\x.x.x\Logfiles\log4netlog.txt" />

5). Save the web.config file and restart IIS to enable the changes.

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