Resolution: There is no existing documentation which explains the usage of "Collections.*" catalog functions. This solution provides a sample project which illustrates the exact usage of these specific catalog functions.
The attached simple project )Filename: explains the working behavior of Collections.Comparator functions.
A Concept comparator class has been created and is used to create a comparator in TIBCO BusinessEvents (Object comparator = Collections.Comparator.createComparator("com.collections.test.ComparatorImpl");).
BE-Project: API_RETE
Java Project: ComparatorImpl
Add Comp_Impl.jar to classpath or to your Third party jars in BE studio .
Start agent (PU default) -> startup RF creates an Event, Rule Rules.Comparator() fired .
Note : BE-18191- Documentation for Collections Catalog Functions is targeted in BE 5.2 release.